Saturday, August 17, 2019

Criminal Justice Essay

Dear Sir: As far as I know, the Abstract (also this email’s attachment), is written as the final section of the Paper, after everything is said and done. Because you are the one doing the methods, the analyses, the results, and the discussion, I leave it up to you to key in the two or three remaining sentences for the final Abstract. Hence, the initial Abstract: â€Å"In an attempt to initiate a reliable measure of the levels of perceptions of Criminal Justice Major Undergraduate College Students, this study possibly sharpens the definition of predictive behavior of the students who as respondents were surveyed by use of carefully formulated questionnaires to determine their general perceptions of the U. S. Criminal Justice System, their general perceptions on immigration law, immigration reform, and immigration control, as well as the students’ specific perceptions on the U. S. ’s ongoing Mexican immigration control. To perform comparison, the perception scores were statistically analyzed carrying out correlation test, t-test, and regression analyses tests between the general perception scores versus the specific perception scores. The results showed that   † Thank you very much. Very truly yours, Writer of†32344972† Urgent revision xxx Urgent revision on your â€Å"A STUDY OF UNDERGRADUATE COLLEGE CRIMINAL JUSTICE MAJOR STUDENTS PERCEPTIONS OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM†. Date Revision Deadline Instructions March 19 8:16 March 20 8:16 I am still waiting for the Abstract to be downloaded in a Word document to complete my order. Once again, this was one of the three items I requested in my order. xxx

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