Sunday, May 12, 2019

Proverbs diligence and laziness in contrast to wisdom and folly Essay

Proverbs diligence and laziness in contrast to wisdom and folly - Essay eventThrough such an informed understanding, it is the hope of this particular author that the reader will gain a more informed understanding with respect to the differentials between laziness and diligence that be represented indoors the Bible.Perhaps the most famous quote from Proverbs that discusses the differential between laziness and diligence is as quest after Lazy people are soon poor hard workers get rich. (Proverbs 104) Naturally, this text is non the only one within the book of Proverbs that deals with the issue of diligence as compared to laziness. Only two chapters later, Solomon has the pursuit to say on this topic, Work hard and engender a leaderbe lazy and become a slave (Proverbs 1224). Finally, Solomon states, Lazy people want much notwithstanding get little,but those who work hard will prosper (Proverbs 134) The take away from each of these texts has to do with the accompaniment that t he positive attributes of diligence not only are rewarded after death instead, they builds wealth, strength, and virtue within the immediate life of the individual who practices them.1In seeking to analyze this particular dichotomy, the text in question An shopping centre of the Old Testament has the following to say regarding laziness Lazy behavior results in poverty dapple diligence results in wealth however, poverty may also result from corruption and injustice.2 This is a unique dynamic to discuss due to the fact that wealth is not always seen in cost of a positive connotation within the Hebrew Bible. Oftentimes, the wealthy are cast as those who are the farthest removed from the possibility of grace as a direct result of their oftentimes compulsive attitudes.3 In helping to explicate this dichotomy to an even further degree, the authors of the text go on to note, Proverbs contains a balanced view of wealth and poverty. Some

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